Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Killers, Quickenings, and Questionable Moves

Columbine Park


John - 2 (Game Winner, Big Winner)
Jess - 2 (GW, Poison Wicket Kill)
Doug - 2 (GW, PWK)
Julie - 1 (GW)
Josh - 1 (PWK)
Mikey - 1 (PWK)
Red - 1 (GW)

John - 6

Jody - 5
Doug - 4
Ed - 4
AJ - 3
Dave - 3
Jess - 3
Deme - 2
Julie - 2
Mikey - 2
Red - 2
Boyd - 1
Carly - 1
Joe - 1
Josh - 1
Kelli - 1
Kevin - 1
Melanie - 1
Savannah - 1
Temujin - 1
Tim - 1
Everyone Else NPP

Josh PWK'd Boyd.
Mikey PWK'd Ed
Jess PWK'd Mikey
Doug PWK'd Josh

Quickening of the Week:
Doug for his Tortoise and the Hare performance. Doug was in last place for his whole game and Poison Wicket Killed Josh on the last wicket!

Special Quickening Mention of the Week -
Mikey Lyons. About half of the people with points this year owes this guy a thanks and a beer.

Game 7

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

NSCC Post Game Report Episode 7

Three's Company

Game 5 - Zuni

Jody - 3 Trifecta! (Poison Wicket Kill, Game Winner, Big Winner)
Boyd - 1 (GW)
Mikey - 1 (GW)
Carly - 1 (GW)
John S. - 1 (GW)

Jody - 5

Ed - 4
John- 4
Dave - 3
A.J. - 3
Deme -2
Doug - 2
Carly - 1
Mikey - 1
Boyd - 1
Julie -1
Savannah - 1
Melanie - 1
Kelly - 1
Jess - 1
Tim -1
Red -1
Temuchin - 1
Kevin - 1
Joe - 1

Jody became only the third person to score the Trifecta this year. (Poison Wicket Kill, Game Winner, Big Winner) Ed being the first and Dave the second.

Quickening of the Week
Jody Poison Wicket Killed Frankie.