Thursday, May 22, 2008

Finger Lickin' Good

So Jess is off this week as her priorities are all screwed up and she missed the game. Apparently I was not entirely there either if my top 5 and winners list is any indication. But anyhow, these are the top 5 things that I can decipher from my shoddy records.
1-Eric - I see his name on here several times, once in relation to the "mulch madness" and once to "the 3's". People always seem to be the cheeriest after a game when it's Eric that wins. If he keeps playing like he was on Tuesday, people will get over that quick enough.
3-Whatever battle was going on between Boyd and Poops - They both kept calling bullshit on each other as their submissions to the top 5 list.
4-The longest halftime ever - I've heard as long as an hour, but that's probably an exaggeration, brought about by the time distorting effects of halftime.
5-The bullshit list - the bulk of suggestions I was given for "best of" moments were actually submissions for the bullshit list, which doesn't actually exist.

So that's about all I can read from my notes. Next week is at Berkeley Park, and this time, player pics for the reals.

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