Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Me So Horny

You can't have a poster with 2 Live Crew on it and not name your blog "Me So Horny", right?

For those of you not familiar with the word... Horn-y; adjective (horn-i-er, horn-i-est); 1. of or resembling horn: a horny beak / horny nails; hard and rough: horny, dry skin; 2. informal feeling or arousing sexual excitement; Derivatives; horn-i-ness (noun).

Show of hands for cro-horny? Maybe cro-corny?

Top 5:
1. Boyd's Swifer Wifer
2. Dartmouth Triple D's (I heart you Eric!)
4. Savannah, spreadin' um for Krisha.
5. Who is she (Tashina) playing with? She might just be a league of her own!

Tip of the Week:
AJ "3 Shakes and a 90 degree angle" (New nickname? "Downtown AJ Brown", write that down)

Slogan of the Week:
"You've got to kick it with your heart" (Carly) "...and sole" (Frankey)

Lets Get O.G.:
Did we play here last year?????

Hero of the Week:
Shane for supplying the ALL DUDE half time.

Douche-Bag of the Week:
Shane said Mike G. and Poops. Don't argue, just let it happen.

Where's Chachi?:
Waxing his vagina in Broomfield somewhere. (Whoa low blow)

Things I Shouldn't have Overheard:
"I'm the backstop, not the basket." -Dave Simpkins, followed by the girls chanting "clench it, clench it!"

Obscure Misc.
WTF? We played mosquito last week!

Shout Outs:
Happy Anniversary Savannah and Red!

Dave nominated me as the "Ministry of Information". I accept, and I'm hiring John Simpkins as my speech writer.

Hey guys, I hope you all had a really kick ass season. I know I did!

Next week is the last blog of the season. Although we've been doing the community blogs, I think I might make next week's a "best of".

Also, everyone please STICK AROUND after next weeks game! Im working on getting Mike G. to finish the player cards, Boyd and I have a super cool surprise, and there WILL be chicken fighting. 

So remember your helmet, and tell your sweetheart that you'll be home late... and drunk.

1 comment:

Maura said...

Me love you long time!