Ricky - 2 (Game Winner, Big Winner)
Boyd - 2 (GW, Poison Wicket Kill)
Geoff - 1 (GW)
Dave S. - 1 (GW)
John S. - 1 (PWK)
A.J. - 1 (PWK)
A.J. - 12
Mike L. - 5
John S. - 5
Boyd - 5
Red - 3
Josh - 3
Poops - 3
Mike G. - 3
Eric - 3
Temuchin - 2
Zach - 2
Carly- 2
Kelly - 2
Dave - 2
Ricky - 2
Kevin - 1
Jess - 1
Frankie - 1
Julie - 1
Doug - 1
Melonie - 1
Martin - 1
Tim - 1
Jody - 1
Geoff - 1
Another week, another late blog!
Officially, the season is halfway over. (Unofficially, if we go over 20 games, which is a possibility.)
Chris Brunn suggested a lawn chair, spray painted in gold, upon which A.J. can sit rex gloriae and watch us peasants scavenge for the scraps of points that fall from his lofty table.
Looking at the points I notice four maybe five players with the right idea of ascension and perhaps out of the four/five, One can open the Matrix and light our darkest hour.
Berkeley was awash in beautiful weather and tranquility. It felt we were operating a speakeasy or a secret meeting. This is the natural rise and fall of things. Last week was a massive turnout. This week can be described as just a notch above intimate. I'm not complaining. Just saying. Point being, we were done by sundown, Ricky managed his first point and just to make it interesting decided to win the poison battle as well. Boyd played strong to claim 2 points and tie with Mikey L. and John for second place.
But according to a late added 11th commandment, A.J. must be awarded at least one point in every game. Only kidding, he got a poison wicket kill.
Instead of highlights this week, I thought I'd present this slide show.
Jess, looking due west, probably with the 50th state on her mind. Or just talking to Boyd, can't tell which.

Games already in progress.

Dude, the sky.

A.J. watches with pure contempt before he transformed back into a large semi and drove over Dave's bike and Frankie.

A long first half of the season begins to take it's toll.

Dave's riddle on the agreed upon place (agreed upon by Ricky and Ricky only) is a short but sweet:
This ain't no mere park, this here's an estate.The name's even classy, that's why we hyphenate.
It's also the site, where Boyd got halfway before several people, had started to play.
Sunday's on the phone to Monday, Tuesday's on the phone to me, oh yeah...
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