Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Polls Are In!

Proposition 1 - Bananarchy -LOST
Referendum A -scoring section? - WON
Referendum B - schedule section? - WON
Referendum C - The Bocce WON
Referendum D - The Ballot Qualification - WON
Amendment 1 - The Quickening WON
Amendment 2 - Closest Bocce - LOST
Amendment 3 - The Skip -WON
Amendment 4a - Pulling the Wickets WON
Amendment 4b - Penalty for Non-Pulling - LOST
Amendment 5a - Eliminate Preseason - LOST
Amendment 5b - On 4/20
Amendment 6 - Penalty for Infractions - WON
Proposition 1 - Leave the playoffs alone- LOST
Proposition 2 - Eliminate the playoffs LOST
Proposition 3 - The Thunder Dome - WON
Proposition 4 - The Terror Drome - TIE, therefore LOST?
Clarification 1 - Mallet Borrowing - WON for as long as needed
Clarification 2 - Wicket Removal - WON

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