Friday, June 13, 2008

Death or Glory

So an interesting new place to play at Sloan's, but still no bathrooms, and so once again my van got pissed all over. But at least the wind didn't come raging over the lake reeking of dead fish on this side. It's a big damn park, I'm sure we'll find the perfect spot someday. Either that or we can start bringing our own lights and port-o-potties to every game.
Anyhow, my note taking this time was much more legible than last, in part because I remembered to bring paper, and other people helped write shit down. There are still a few illegible passages, but I've got more than enough information here without them anyway. So in no particular order

1-Eric's hooker shot through the paper wicket (Shortie's got hips). Ask Josh or Eric. I just write this shit down. Their enthusiasm was more than enough to convince me it deserved top 5 status, even if nobody could properly explain it.
2-Margaret's first point ever. This also served to point out to me that Margaret had no bio page despite playing for so long. I'm sorry, and we'll address this again later in the posting.
3-Shane's skipping intro to the smoking circle. Again, I've got no idea, and this one's not in my handwriting. Ask Shane I suppose?
4-Marco avenging his daughter Sonia's death with a wicket kill on shane. His first game, his first point, his family's honor defended. Now he just has to deal with my brother.
5-The all female poison battle. If Tim or Poops is reading this, refer to the tip of the week. Welcome to the top of the standings.

Since Jess has started the tradition of starting new topics every week, here's a new one that's not so confrontational. Viv was nominated for Bad-ass of the week. Apparently because she "made it rain", which I can only assume is a euphemism for something else, as I was several yards away the whole night, and it never rained on my game (just on my van).

The Tip of the week this week comes from AJ-
"They're gonna call you a pussy anyway, It doesn't matter what you do"

The best overheard conversation that shouldn't have happened comes from Steph who was heard as follows-
"It's pretty hard and crusty, but I'll shove it up there"

Douchbag of the Week- I think it's gonna have to be me for the second week in a row. This week it's because I called Julie Steph, after I'd already deleted her point from the site, and I forgot to give Margaret a bio page for the last year and a half.

That's it for week 6, see y'all Tuesday at Globeville Landing.

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