So it seemed like I wrote a lot more down last night than I have on paper this morning. I must have just been writing slowly due to the complete darkness. Why would the city go to all the expense and effort of putting all those light poles up if they weren't going to turn them on when it got dark? Other than that little thing, I think that Globeville has got to be my new favorite park. We even had air support! Were the black helicopters circling us specifically or did we just happen to be in their training zone? Did we almost get riot controlled? The military insists it's not related to the convention or to croquet surveillance, and is just routine counter-terrorism training, but I got the feeling that we were about to be intervened upon.
Since I'm writing these while Jess is on vacation, and because I'm lazy, and because it seems like a sensible thing to do, I'm gonna combine top 5 with the winners and all that other stuff, and make one massive super recap. You should probably go to the restroom and make a drink now, because we might be here for a while. Hours perhaps, maybe days. But I'll try and wrap it up by next Tuesday though so that we can start all over again.
Speaking of next Tuesday, Dak (2 points) was the winner of the PBR (poison battle royale) and has called Congress Park. We're gonna do it at the parking lot this time and not the random spot I accidentally picked before. Also winning their games were Red (1 point), Deme (5 points, 1st place(tied)), Josh (2 points) and myself (5 points, 1st place(tied)). And now on to the top 5-
1-Temuchin's round the park tour - If you missed it, which might have been hard to do since his ball came through just about every game, he hit a massive drive from the bottom of the park , which followed the bike path all the way to the top, banked off the grass, through the pavilion, down the stairs, and right back to the bottom of the park again.
2-The boob cooler - It is not a cooler for the beer, it is a cooler for the boobs which is made from the beer. Also related to the boob cooler is the Tagline of the week - The boobs that launched a thousand drunken...
3- The angry bikers - Not the scary kind of angry biker, what with the Harley's and the guns and the Methamphetamine, but the kind of angry biker that wears spandex and looks fruity and yells "on your left" alot, which only confuses everybody 'cause they're all facing different directions. So everyone steps to their right, which causes the biker to crash in a horrible burning wreck. Or at least give us some dirty looks. Perhaps they're the ones that called in the National Gaurd on us?
4- Poops' 6 wicket run - He got a lot of shit for nominating his own run for top 5, but it was a 6 wicket run, and somebody else might have nominated it for him if they weren't so damned petty.
5- The Wave in the fan section - Another bad-ass thing about Globeville is the stadium seating overlooking the playing field, which almost always makes waves spontaneously appear in groups of drunkards, be they croquet drunkards or drunkards of a more traditional type. Bringing the wave back through in the feet seems like a new innovation to me though. Can you trademark a kind of wave?
This Weeks Bad-ass/Hero of the week has to be Eric, hands down, who recognized early that there was an impending beer shortage, and took all the measures necessary to solve the problem, returning with enough beer to finish the game out, and the after party, and some for the wicked hangover he probably had this morning.
The Douchebag of the week is AJ, who killed the hero of the week on his first turn back.
Overheard of the week -
Are you wearing a thong?
No, I have a wedgie.
Tip of the week comes from Dak, our PBR champion - "I don't wanna win, I just want to go to sleep." Well you can't always get what you want.
So yeah, Congress Park next week. See y'all there
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