Friday, June 19, 2009

Your the Best Around! Nothing's Gonna Ever Keep You Down!

Game 6 - Zuni Park

A.J. - 2 (Game Winner, Big Winner)
Mikey - 1 (GW)
Dave - 1 (GW)
Doug -1 (GW)

A.J. - 8
Red - 3
Josh - 3
Poops - 3
Mike G. - 2
Temuchin - 2
Eric - 2
Zach - 2
Carly- 2
Mike L. - 2
Kevin - 1
John S. - 1
Jess - 1
Boyd - 1
Frankie - 1
Julie - 1
Dave - 1
Doug - 1

Something deep is stirring, the drums are beating, It has awoken.

Producing blogs about people playing croquet badly is an easy venture. Add a couple of drunks falling flat on their faces, a dash of Red doing anything, and top it off with some knucklehead falling out of a tree and you've cooked up a nice, entertaining, funny feature. But when someone is playing great the muse is reticent.

I overheard some suggest placing a curse or at least some "bad vibes" on A.J. This will not work. A.J. has already taken the necessary steps to insure protection from such jinxes. The tale as told is a good one - let's unlock this further, come with me, won't you?

A.J. was already aware of his talent at croquet. He could amass a few points here and there with a good shot at challenging for 1st place. But this was not good enough, and AJ knew that if he wanted to achieve complete victory and dominate his opponents he would need an even greater strength. A divine strength. And AJ knew just where to get it.
Meanwhile, high above in the heavenly abodes of Asgard, the warrior-god Tyr sat upon his throne of ice and wolf's hide. Tyr -One-Handed, paused while imbibing his mead as if hearing faint whispers rise and die on the wind. Gulping down the rest of his mead, the Warrior God felt it settle in his iron belly with the uneasy alloy of forbode and vicissitude.

Okay so before I get to the highlights let me just say: I suggest we all make an effort, to you know, PLAY and not just roll over and with exposed tummies simply hand A.J. the trophy. Someone needs to start going on a run and needs to start like, yesterday. As I see it, no matter your score, we're ALL in second place now. But there is plenty of croquet left.


- Proof that God plays croquet or at least is a Northsider: Just as the games started up, the rain broke and the rest of the night was clear and cool.

- Kelly stuck on the mound of mulch. Not so much stuck as she was USED by EVERYONE in her game to get through the mound of mulch wicket. I think she set up a total of 200 times but was knocked out of place just so some fool could go through. Next time Kelly, forgo the wicket and just chase everyone and send them into any street, pool of water or bush available.

- Birthday at croquet with Shane. We may not have broken into song this time but I think a card was passed around along with some gin!

- Mike G's debut of his new mallet. A fine piece of woodwork. Unfortunately, his sad devotion to his mallet didn't help him win his game or conjure up the stolen data tapes or give him clairvoyance enough to find the rebels' hidden fortress...

-An old lesbian couple walked up to Stephanie and asked if we were performing a "team building exercise"
Morally Conscious Reader: How do you know they were Lesbian?
Me: Because the dogs they were walking were gay and the bigger one challenge me to arm wrestle.
Morally Conscious Reader: What do you mean, old?
Me: Hey, age ain't nuthin' but a number, but I think one of them was George Washington.

Mikey In Ear Shot x2! -- "Hey...your dog's got Little Caesar's!" and "That sounded like the thrust of Thor!"

Dave's Riddle (The Return)

Once again the location to next weeks game will be revealed IF you can solve this riddle:

They say it's a garden, but the flowers are missing.
Instead you get homeless dudes, shitting and pissing.
Those must be the graduates, all heading forth,
from the only high school, that was crappier than North.
So meet by the rocks which makes this park unique.
We'll run off the homeless dude, taking a leak.
We'll play a late game, lit by ambulance light.
And when it's all over, we'll watch a bum fight!

Go Team.

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