Just to note: Heaps of praise and kudos to Adam and Sheena and their tremendous wedding on Sunday. A splendid time had by all. And what a reception, everyone beat the drum with such effusive happiness as we called the sun out and made the rain our bitch.
Poops - Game Winner, Big Winner
Temuchin- GW
Eric - GW, And Birthday boy. (no points will be awarded due to date of croquet falling upon the yearly observance of your parturition. Thank you.)
Carly - GW
A.J. - Poison Wicket Kill (of his own brother no less)
A.J. - 4
Red - 3
Josh - 3
Mike G. - 2
Temuchin - 2
Eric - 2
Poops - 2
Kevin - 1
John S. - 1
Jess - 1
Boyd - 1
Frankie - 1
Zach - 1
Mike L. - 1
Carly -1
And the book says, "we may be through with the winter, but the winter ain't through with us." Now I could launch off into Tirade about Colorado weather and it's unpredictability, blah, blah, blah, but as natives this attrition has worn our interests to the nub. Maybe it was just retribution for the nice weather during Lucero.
Whatever the case, it was wet and cold but we played on and even managed a little frisbie in between.
-Eric's Birthday party!!! Now that Askimbo has gone the way of the dodo, perhaps this can become the new birthday celebration. If your birthday falls out of season, tough titty. Anyway, there was singing, presents, candles and cake. Even the ever-carper Eric had to crack a smile and took to wearing a "Happy Birthday" sash the rest of the game. This sash granted him the Powers of Grayskull and Sight Beyond Sight to win his game, but ultimately forsook him in the Poison Battle to Spoiler-Carly. She didn't mean it. Honestly. I think.
- Highlights? What highlights? It was fucking cold and the ground was soaking, goddamn wet. You want something positive? Here:

Hero of the Game: Eric (see above)
Everyone in Ear Shot - "Happy Birthday to Ericccccccc!"
So as I go to print here, still no riddle from Dave. S'alright, I understand he's probably busy these days.
Game 5 - City of Cuernavaca Park
See you there.
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