Deme - 2 (Game Winner , Big Winner)
John - 2 (GW, Poison Wicket Kill)
Tashina - 2 (GW, PWK)
Dave S. - 1 (GW)
A.J. - 16
John S. - 7
Mikey L. - 6
Boyd - 5
Josh- 5
Carly- 5
Poops - 4
Kelly - 4
Red - 4
Deme - 3
Dave Simpkins - 3
Tashina - 3
Mike G. - 3
Eric - 3
Rob - 3
Temuchin - 2
Zach - 2
Ricky - 2
Frankie - 2
Tim - 2
Kevin - 1
Jess - 1
Julie - 1
Doug - 1
Melonie - 1
Martin - 1
Jody - 1
Geoff - 1
Dave Bergonz - 1
A.J.'s surge has been held in abeyance for now. But this is unnatural serenity. An eye of the hurricane. The few seconds of eerie calm before the Ghostbusters realized the StayPuff Marshmallow Man was stomping cars down 5th avenue.
Okay everyone can stop holding their breath and come up for air. We're done with Washington Park for the '09 season. So, what's with all the bad blood? Is it the traffic driving over? The vast sea of smug assholes? The negative-tons of parking spaces? The torturing inability to play on a real croquet court that's less than 5 feet away and LOCKED UP for no good-goddamn reason, usually taken over by guys born in 19-great depression that are one Viagra pill away from their heart exploding in their fucking chest and croaking right there on the fucking lawn?
I think our love/hate relationship with Wash park can best be summed up by this Poops story:
Poops: Maura and I were driving here and I was telling her how much I can't stand this park. Then I saw this smoking hot chick and I said, 'damn! Now I remember why I love this park!'
Maura: Eww, Creepy-Poops!
Poops: Then we pulled up and this guy was jogging without a shirt looking all buff and built and shit...
Maura: Oooh.
Popps: Eww, Creepy-Maura!
Regardless, fun was still had by all. John played his last game reminding us all why he's won two years straight, poison killing A.J. and winning his game. Tashina got her second poison kill in a row and also won her game. And even if we were denied playing on the lawn bowling court, we stormed the fences and took the poison battle there anyway.
Oh yeah, and I won it all, so fuck yo' couch.
- A.J. was first out in his game and "forgot" to pick up his wickets. As consequence, John and Mikey Lyons proposed a vote to the whole NSCC whereby A.J. must give one his points to Maura.
Click HERE if you vote yes, A.J.'s point should go to Maura.
Click HERE if you vote no, A.J.'s point should not go to Maura.
Oh the links don't work, but it's no different then any other election you voted in.
-Red in Ear Shot : (To Kevin) "You should trade me shoes!"
With my first win of the season I choose you Commons Park! See you at the sundial.
I forgot I even had that conversation! Nick remembers too much...
P.S. It's true...
Hey did anyone find my mallet at the park last week? Has a wood mallet head and a black stick with blue tape on it. Thanks!
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