Game - 18 Hallack Park
Red - 2 (Game Winner, Big Winner)
A.J. - 1 (GW)
Kelly - 1 (GW)
Marika -1 (GW
Dave - 1 (Poison Wicket Kill)
Dave Bergonz - 1 (Poison Wicket Kill)
(not on each other)
A.J. - 21
John S. - 7
Mikey L. - 7
Boyd - 7
Red - 7
Dave Simpkins - 6
John S. - 7
Mikey L. - 7
Boyd - 7
Red - 7
Dave Simpkins - 6
Josh- 5
Carly- 5
Carly- 5
Mike G. - 5
Kelly - 5
Poops - 4
Melonie - 4
Deme - 3
Tashina - 3
Eric - 3
Rob - 3
Tim - 3
Eric - 3
Rob - 3
Tim - 3
Temuchin - 2
Zach - 2
Ricky - 2
Frankie - 2
Zach - 2
Ricky - 2
Frankie - 2
Julie - 2
Dave Bergonz - 2
Marika - 2
Kevin - 1
Jess - 1
Doug - 1
Martin - 1
Jody - 1
Geoff - 1
Jess - 1
Doug - 1
Martin - 1
Jody - 1
Geoff - 1
Savannah - 1
There's a little more White Rabbit in this blog then I like, but it's been a long weekend. So without further delay lets move on, I'm already late and the Queen is a quick to hanker for a cranium or two.
Red won.
-Cigarette butt hero - much dispute and fervor over a cigarette butt that stopped Mikey's ball dead in it's tracks and set him up to be killed by Mike G. just inches away. But Mike G's victory was cut short as he was killed by his sister. The cigarette butt giveth, the cigarette butt taketh away.
- Other stuff happened I'm sure, but that's what I get for taking so fucking long to write the blog. Besides, you LIVED it man. You lived it.
Famous Cro-quotes:
"Nighttime is my time to shine." -Dave Bergonz
"You need a ball made of silver or silver bullets to kill this man." - Mikey Lyons
Quick Fact:
Red has only scored in 2 or 3 games which, apparently, is all he needs since he's now tied for second.
So Dave and I and others have been brainstorming ideas for a few rule/scoring changes. Sure some of these have been influenced and/or shaped because of AJ's route during the season, but new shit has come to light!
I think the best would be to set up some email vote that we'll send out sometime during the off-season, if you have any other suggestions let one of us know.
Here's a few so far -
-The Quickening - Poison Wicket Kill someone, immediately become poison.
-One point for the person who gets the closest bocce.
-Eliminating the "poison wicket kill on any game's wicket" rule and keeping it confined to your game's wickets only.
-A top bracket game as we get more into the season, (halfway through?) Where the top 4 or 5 players in the Standings play against each other.
-A lot of people seem to be in favor of awarding a point for making poison, but trust me, keeping score is already a nightmare and this would make it worse. Also keep in mind that if this rule were in place, AJ would probably have about 20 more points.
-Making it a rule that if you don't pull your wickets you are docked a point.
Poison Battle Changes:
-Designating a small area where the poison battle takes place. If you go outside this area you either lose a turn and have to drop your ball back into the area of play or you're out.
-Making it so that you have to tag everyone in the poison battle once. I think this raises logistical concerns with who will keep track of who hit who and would make the poison battle even longer.
There was talk of returning to NASCAR scoring but, again, I wouldn't wish this on HAL let alone anyone who'd have to put up with the eventual hassle of tallying and keeping up with all those points.
Highlands Park was called for the 9/15/09 -- 32nd and Feds
You only have so far to go.
1 comment:
Rule to change rules; is you must have a meeting before the season starts and vote. Gotta change that rule with a preseason meeting, before you can vote by email.
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