For you drunkards and potheads that need a reminder, Sunday there's going to be a Tournament/BBQ at Carly and Kevin's. If you have never participated in the tourney, I must tell you, its a great time. The game takes a really really really really long time, but its all worth it. It's $5.00 to enter, 3rd place gets their money back, 2nd place gets $15.00, and 1st place takes the purse. Plus we BBQ and drink all day long. Maybe if we are all good little girls and boys, there will be fireworks! To famously quote Eric, "Lets light some shit on fire!"
Top 7: (There where far too many moments this week not to post them)
1. Joint Juice from the Suzuki girls.
2. Shane getting poison before any of his team members where halfway.
3. Porta Potti... Occupied? or Italian?
4. Shane refusing a free hat because it was "too white".
5. BCH not showing up to the game because they where all holding hands at the Stevie Wonder concert. (this on is not my doing, I just report the news people)
6. Red, White & Blue, for Thanksgiving. (thanks to Savannah for letting me write that down)
7. The kick-ballers kicking Kevin's ball back to him during the poison battle. (gosh that was a lot of k's)
Slogan of the Week: By AJ
"I try to hump Shane, because he's awesome."
Something I Overheard:
"When is the equinox?" "Like 3 weeks ago." "That's not very pagan of you!"
Tip of the Week: By Marika
Don't think about bending the wicket, think about bending the world.
NEW! Healthy Habits: By Boyd
1. Always wear chesticle protection.
2. 4 funbags are a good time.
Douche-Bag of the Wee:
Gen's mallot, and the kickball players for rousting Marika!
Hope to see you all at the tournament, lets win some money! Next weeks game is at Sunken Gardens, so lets see what crazy people talk to us and fall in love with Julie this time!
That there's a Boston album.
Perhaps a title could be "More than a Feeling".
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