Game 2 - Vigil Park/Virgil Park/Globeville Landing -The park with an Identity Crisis
When traveling westA forgotten key will complete your quest
See you there.
Josh - (2) Game Winner; Big Winner
Jess - (1) Game Winner
Boyd - (1) Game Winner
Jake - (1) Game Winner
Eric - (1) Poison Wicket Kill
A.J. - (1) Poison Wicket Kill
Red- 3 points
Josh -2
Mike G.- 1
Kevin - 1
Temuchin- 1
John S. - 1
Mike G.- 1
Kevin - 1
Temuchin- 1
John S. - 1
Jess - 1
Boyd - 1
Jake - 1
Eric - 1
A.J. - 1
First off, big apology for the lateness here -- I want these blogs to be out by Thursday, at the least. That there's my plan...anyway on with Game 2-
The ianuary season continues to emerge from it's hollow, taking its first teetering steps, eyes squinting into the sun. However, everyone on Tuesday seemed to be in mid-season form. Big plays, Big games, Big laughs, Big drinkers it's going to be a good '09. I hate to see the same names on the scoreboard, but it's early yet. Anyway, the games began with a crack of thunder and a quick rain delay, which was just God's way of saying "Shit. Hold up, I need to bocce!"
- The Yellow Game --All yellow balls, all yellow wickets, all yellow-rat-bastards. Why! Why not?
I sure hope no one caught Jaundice in that game.
- Shane playing with one foot in a cast and on crutches. Not much of a highlight in itself but then he managed to dodge a shot blasted by Josh (accidentally), without falling or dropping an ounce of his beer. Shane should be proud, but it wasn't enough to secure him Hero of the Game.
-Mike denied Poison by a discarded Coke can.
Hero Of The Game- Geoff Orr.
Denny (Nick's dog) was tied to a post under the promenade, when without warning or reason decided he had enough of this cruel world or "scent + squirrel=chase!" and jumped up and over the big wall. The bundle of black fur, held taught by a cheap $5 collar that was now the very noose squeezing the life out of his body; when suddenly out of nowhere Geoff leapt down and lifted Denny back onto the bench and to safety. Another day saved, the hero humbly whispered, "no problem," then shot straight into the sky to stop the moon from crashing into the earth.
Jess In Ear Shot- "I felt my ball quiver!" We all did Jess, we all did.
I haven't received the riddle from Dave regarding the location of next weeks game, so I have to do it myself again -
Ralston Cove Park
58th and Independence
I didn't do a riddle because I had no idea where the park was. But that there's a hell of a stumper. Is the 58th part a hint to the latitude?
OK, I looked this park up and that's some bullshit. Keep that shit for the South Golden Croquet Club.
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