A.J. - 2 Big Winner, Game Winner
Josh - 1 Poison Wicket Kill
Zach - 1 GW
Mike G. - 1 GW
Mike L. - 1 GW
Red- 3 points
Josh - 3 Points
A.J. - 3 Points
Mike G - 2 Points
Kevin - 1
Temuchin- 1
John S. - 1
Jess - 1
Boyd - 1
Jake - 1
Eric - 1
Zach - 1
Mike L. - 1
As a member of the North Side Croquet Club it seems at times we are bound by some mystical circle that anchors our very souls to the earth bordered by 1-25, 1-70, Wadsworth and Speer. Then one of our flock remembers it's in our nature to explore this land's hidden mysteries and parks. Kudos to Josh for finding a pretty cool fucking place to play. Nestled in a sleepy neighborhood in Arvada, Ralston Cove provided unusually shaped trees, rolling hills and a raging creek (more on that later). In the shadow of a retirement community whose inhabitants looked down with longing eyes and golden re-call until, that is, Zach said he might go pee right in front of their window.
-Low attendance. Okay not a highlight but worth mention for the quick games and halftime at the same time for everyone.
-Viv's "It was pimp style" Shot - With one shot Viv went through the halfway wicket, hit the post and came back through. Did I mention the wicket and post were resting on large tree stump about a foot and half off the ground?
-The Nature lovers or GPS-cheating-scavenger-hunters. This group of 5 or more strangers were just staring at trees near our game. Who were they? What did they want? Luckily, Josh was able to speak there language and soon deduced that they meant no harm. He began to integrate himself into their customs and courtesies, agent provocateur, soon he shall lift the veil from their eyes, soon he shall lead them from scavenger to legion, soon they shall rise their numbers darkening the horizon, soon they will jump-start the engine that ends the empire.
and that my friends, that is when his real work will begin...
Zach In Ear Shot - "Right in the nipple!"
Hero of the Game
Thankfully, John was able to capture on camera Phil's might.
I suggest you watch it.
Here's a quick preview:
In a world where Carly's ball was helplessly bobbing down a raging creek, Phil knew that he and he alone could save it, with a move that was powered by awesome, Phil leapt over the creek to the other shore. Then, his trusty partner Mikey Lyons called to Phil and hurled him a mallet, everyone watched in awe as the mallet spun through the air for what seemed like an eternity until caught! By Phil! He raised the mallet to the sky and roared with triumph as he called lightning out of the sky to smite his enemies. Then he used the mallet to get Carly's ball out of the water.
Boyd's Bullshit Hall of Fame-
If you're setting up the course and you're wickets look like this: YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!!

P.S. The bullshit of these wicket set-ups was so immense that Boyd's camera couldn't handle their bullshittery and the rest of his pics came out all blurry.
Just remember what your elders told you, "sometimes, the old magic is best."
And finally, Dave has written a riddle to all who decided not to come. The answer is the name of next week's park.
See you there.
Well this park's namesake knocked up his slaves,
Was the first to suggest the removal of braves,
Though he talked a good game about abolition,
The slaves that he owned never left that condition.
And the park itself, was also full of shit,
in that it was a landfill, then we remade it
On the north side of town, this park was the first,
And it's finally fun, since the cops have dispersed
Wasn't A.J. the big winner?
Whoops! Sorry. Fixed.
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