Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Final Countdown
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Me So Horny
Monday, September 8, 2008
Whole Lotta Love
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town
Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town
Despite an email exchange in which remembering to bring a pen was mentioned a dozen times, I forgot to bring a pen. So everything here is what we jotted down into Deme's iPhone, which I'm going to nominate as hero of the week. Those things are frickin' cool.
Top 5
- Eric's wrap around in which his ball stayed put but his mallet went through the wicket and got stuck.
- The poison battle starting at 8:30
- Dave jumping booty ass naked into the swimming pool with no water
- Cancer wicket
Tip 'O the week: picking up wickets doesn't mean just throwing them at the bag.
Douche bag of the week: Mike for offering a dollar to anyone who could hit Trece with their ball.
Also, I don't think he ever payed up for his 1$ offers to "dong" the pole.
So I know this is a pretty feeble Top 5, and I apologize. Next time maybe I'll remember a pen.
Onward and upward-
Game winners and such
I was the big winner of the night, outshooting or outlasting John, Josh, Carly and Tim. Carly and John both also got wicket kills. I'm calling Mosquito park for Tuesday, but before that, Josh and Phil are gonna host a tournament this Sunday at their new place. The address is 7733 w 95th dr. Hopefully that map is right, because google maps is acting real squirrely about it. If you get lost, call somebody.We'll tap the keg around noon, and start up the game around 1:00. Probably $5 as usual.
So I was also asked to send out the standings since we're heading into the home stretch here, with only three games left.
John - 11 points
Deme - 10 points
Josh - 10 points
Dave - 8 points
Kevin - 7 points
Boyd - 7 points
Eric - 6 points
Doug - 6 points
Carly - 6 points
Tim - 6 points
Poops - 5 points
Dak - 3 points
Viv - 3 points
Shane - 3 points
AJ - 3 points
Ricky - 3 points
Red - 3 points
Jess - 2 points
Nate - 2 points
Steph - 2 points
Jake - 2 points
Tashina - 2 points
Savannah-2 points
Melanie - 2 points
Mike - 2 points
Gen - 1 point
Poops - 1 point
Sonia - 1 point
Julie - 1 point
Margaret - 1 point
Marco - 1 point
Mary - 1 point
Kevin F - 1 point
Amber - 1 point
That's all that I can remember for now, so see y'all on Sunday or Tuesday or whenever.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Township Rebellion
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I Can't See Your Face In My Mind
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
You're Bleeding
I love NOFX. Just to quote the song, because its a fucking great song "You've got the beauty, but that don't mean a thing, a bland reciprocation, but it don't bother me". For you other NOFX lovers, on a side note, Bob Turkey is such a dick.
This weeks game was really fun. Thanks to Kevin Frisbie for the argyle shirts, the wrist bands and the bomb diggity air fresheners.
Thanks to everyone who left their contribution to the first ever Community Blog. It seemed to go over really well, so I think I will keep doing this. That way everyone gets to contribute, and I don't have to walk around the battle field trying to get drunk people to remember.
So remember, write that scheissen down, on your half time or on your beer run! Make it count! There is no way in hell that I could have come up with as much randomness that you all did, so I thank each and everyone of you for being all up in everyone else's poo.
LOL, I wanted to say shit, but poo was better!
Here we go!
Top 5:
1. Carly, the overtime sharp shooter. (Sounds like a force to be reckoned with!)
2. Jess' Taco Rules (Please, for the love of taco's, ask Poops to explain, and NO its not something dirty!!!)
3. The upside down nomination for the Top 5 (which if I could make my computer write upside down, it would have been wayyyyyy cooler)
4. Josh receiving bad advice "Hit the ball, and if not, land right next to it"
5. Everyone Love Everyone!
Bonus 3 to the Top 5:
6. Dave finally getting to write in the dark with his super glow pen.
7. Kevin's mallet actually having a purpose. (Please ask for detailed drawing to scale from Kevin of his crazy mallet contraption involving the retaining wall and some sort of weight scale.)
8. Tail-gating after the game. (Word up Shane!)
Tip of the Week:
Watch out for Ricky (for real)
Slogan of the Week: There are two this week...
"Think of the kids!" and "That wicket is poised for penetration!"
Hero of the Week:
Kevin for the schwag.
Douche-bag of the Week: also dubbed the "Most Popular" category
John S for not bringing Zak's mallet, the wicket on the side walk, and AJ, for kicking Kevin's mallet across the course.
Lets Get O.G.: By Boyd (I only know cause I saw him write it down, AND he included his name)
"I member beatin' everyone in 30 minutes, then gettin' drunk for 2 hours before the poison battle."
3 Things I shouldn't have overheard:
AJ to himself, "mmm... pineapple... followed by the nipple rub."
"that's the second time she nailed it!"
Poops to Jake, "Dude, I have a huge one!"
That Sounds Good!: By Jess and Zach
Mulato Gelato, y-u-m-m-y
Rule Clarification of the Week:
Going through both wickets and hitting the post at halfway results in two shots.
Shirt of the Week: By Maura
Hot pink boob advertisement shirt logo aka TITvertising.
Obscure Misc.:
Figuring out the thermodynamic properties of beer.
I don't know what category this was meant for, so its now the SUPER Obscure Misc.:
"You get the boob."
Well with that being said, Josh was the big winner of the week and has chosen Barnum Park, located somewhere near 3rd & Hooker.
Everyone is moving or out of town this weekend, so Im not really sure if there will be a Tournament, stay tuned into your email for details from Dave S.
Also, we are having a small shin-dig for Boyd & Sheena's bday's at our house, Saturday, August 2nd. If you wanna stop by, come and see me next week and I will give you more details.
My random thought to keep you entertained... JC is still missing. This could be the start of a new category, Where is JC?: This week I'm going to say that JC was tied up in a phone call from the FDA in regards to the recent salmonella scare. They just wanted to clarify the difference between falapano's and jalapenos.
See you next week!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
It Must Have Been the Roses
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Who Are You???
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Shoot To Thrill
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sympathy For The Devil

So it seemed like I wrote a lot more down last night than I have on paper this morning. I must have just been writing slowly due to the complete darkness. Why would the city go to all the expense and effort of putting all those light poles up if they weren't going to turn them on when it got dark? Other than that little thing, I think that Globeville has got to be my new favorite park. We even had air support! Were the black helicopters circling us specifically or did we just happen to be in their training zone? Did we almost get riot controlled? The military insists it's not related to the convention or to croquet surveillance, and is just routine counter-terrorism training, but I got the feeling that we were about to be intervened upon.
Since I'm writing these while Jess is on vacation, and because I'm lazy, and because it seems like a sensible thing to do, I'm gonna combine top 5 with the winners and all that other stuff, and make one massive super recap. You should probably go to the restroom and make a drink now, because we might be here for a while. Hours perhaps, maybe days. But I'll try and wrap it up by next Tuesday though so that we can start all over again.
Speaking of next Tuesday, Dak (2 points) was the winner of the PBR (poison battle royale) and has called Congress Park. We're gonna do it at the parking lot this time and not the random spot I accidentally picked before. Also winning their games were Red (1 point), Deme (5 points, 1st place(tied)), Josh (2 points) and myself (5 points, 1st place(tied)). And now on to the top 5-
1-Temuchin's round the park tour - If you missed it, which might have been hard to do since his ball came through just about every game, he hit a massive drive from the bottom of the park , which followed the bike path all the way to the top, banked off the grass, through the pavilion, down the stairs, and right back to the bottom of the park again.
2-The boob cooler - It is not a cooler for the beer, it is a cooler for the boobs which is made from the beer. Also related to the boob cooler is the Tagline of the week - The boobs that launched a thousand drunken...
3- The angry bikers - Not the scary kind of angry biker, what with the Harley's and the guns and the Methamphetamine, but the kind of angry biker that wears spandex and looks fruity and yells "on your left" alot, which only confuses everybody 'cause they're all facing different directions. So everyone steps to their right, which causes the biker to crash in a horrible burning wreck. Or at least give us some dirty looks. Perhaps they're the ones that called in the National Gaurd on us?
4- Poops' 6 wicket run - He got a lot of shit for nominating his own run for top 5, but it was a 6 wicket run, and somebody else might have nominated it for him if they weren't so damned petty.
5- The Wave in the fan section - Another bad-ass thing about Globeville is the stadium seating overlooking the playing field, which almost always makes waves spontaneously appear in groups of drunkards, be they croquet drunkards or drunkards of a more traditional type. Bringing the wave back through in the feet seems like a new innovation to me though. Can you trademark a kind of wave?
This Weeks Bad-ass/Hero of the week has to be Eric, hands down, who recognized early that there was an impending beer shortage, and took all the measures necessary to solve the problem, returning with enough beer to finish the game out, and the after party, and some for the wicked hangover he probably had this morning.
The Douchebag of the week is AJ, who killed the hero of the week on his first turn back.
Overheard of the week -
Are you wearing a thong?
No, I have a wedgie.
Tip of the week comes from Dak, our PBR champion - "I don't wanna win, I just want to go to sleep." Well you can't always get what you want.
So yeah, Congress Park next week. See y'all there
Friday, June 13, 2008
Death or Glory
Anyhow, my note taking this time was much more legible than last, in part because I remembered to bring paper, and other people helped write shit down. There are still a few illegible passages, but I've got more than enough information here without them anyway. So in no particular order
1-Eric's hooker shot through the paper wicket (Shortie's got hips). Ask Josh or Eric. I just write this shit down. Their enthusiasm was more than enough to convince me it deserved top 5 status, even if nobody could properly explain it.
2-Margaret's first point ever. This also served to point out to me that Margaret had no bio page despite playing for so long. I'm sorry, and we'll address this again later in the posting.
3-Shane's skipping intro to the smoking circle. Again, I've got no idea, and this one's not in my handwriting. Ask Shane I suppose?
4-Marco avenging his daughter Sonia's death with a wicket kill on shane. His first game, his first point, his family's honor defended. Now he just has to deal with my brother.
5-The all female poison battle. If Tim or Poops is reading this, refer to the tip of the week. Welcome to the top of the standings.
Since Jess has started the tradition of starting new topics every week, here's a new one that's not so confrontational. Viv was nominated for Bad-ass of the week. Apparently because she "made it rain", which I can only assume is a euphemism for something else, as I was several yards away the whole night, and it never rained on my game (just on my van).
The Tip of the week this week comes from AJ-
"They're gonna call you a pussy anyway, It doesn't matter what you do"
The best overheard conversation that shouldn't have happened comes from Steph who was heard as follows-
"It's pretty hard and crusty, but I'll shove it up there"
Douchbag of the Week- I think it's gonna have to be me for the second week in a row. This week it's because I called Julie Steph, after I'd already deleted her point from the site, and I forgot to give Margaret a bio page for the last year and a half.
That's it for week 6, see y'all Tuesday at Globeville Landing.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sweet Child of Mine
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Finger Lickin' Good

1-Eric - I see his name on here several times, once in relation to the "mulch madness" and once to "the 3's". People always seem to be the cheeriest after a game when it's Eric that wins. If he keeps playing like he was on Tuesday, people will get over that quick enough.
3-Whatever battle was going on between Boyd and Poops - They both kept calling bullshit on each other as their submissions to the top 5 list.
4-The longest halftime ever - I've heard as long as an hour, but that's probably an exaggeration, brought about by the time distorting effects of halftime.
5-The bullshit list - the bulk of suggestions I was given for "best of" moments were actually submissions for the bullshit list, which doesn't actually exist.
So that's about all I can read from my notes. Next week is at Berkeley Park, and this time, player pics for the reals.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Pretty Young Thing
Saturday, May 10, 2008
We All Live in a Yellow Submarine
As with all things in spring, the grass gets greener, the trees form leaves, flowers are in bloom, bee's are a pollenatin', and twenty some odd North Side folks, holding mallets and beer, walk into a park for a friendly match of croquet.